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Normal weather on 1 September in Combeza

The weather on 1 September in Combeza has an average temperature of about 32°C during the day. The maximum temperature can reach up to 39°C, while the minimum temperature can be 23°C.

On average, 0,2 mm of rain falls in Combeza on 1 September. The wind speed is 4 Beaufort and mainly comes from Southeast.

1 September Averages for Combeza

Temperature Average temperature
Sun Highest daytime temperature
Sun Lowest daytime temperature
Rain Total rainfall
0,2 mm
Rain Rainy days
1 day

Temperature on 1 September in Combeza per Year

This graph shows the measured temperature on 1 September in Combeza per year, measured in degrees Celsius, over the past years.

Temperature on 1 September in Combeza per Year

Precipitation on 1 September in Combeza per Year

This graph shows the total measured precipitation in millimeters on 1 September in Combeza per year over the past years.

Precipitation on 1 September in Combeza per Year

Average weather in Combeza per month

Click on a month below to see in detail how the weather typically is in Combeza and what to expect. Based on the historical weather data of Combeza, you can view the average temperature, precipitation, wind, and UV index for each day of the month.