The weather in Povile for the next 30 days
This chart shows the temperature in Povile for the next 30 days, displayed in degrees Celsius. The long-term weather forecast is based on the 14-day weather prediction and the average historical weather data for Povile from the past 10 years. We take the changing climate into account, so you know what you can typically expect during this period.
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Check out the current weather in PovilePrecipitation in Povile for the next 30 days
This chart shows the precipitation in Povile for the next 30 days, measured in millimetres. We base this on the current 14-day weather forecast, followed by the average daily precipitation over the past 10 years.
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Snowfall in Povile for the next 30 days
This chart shows the snowfall in Povile for the next 30 days, measured in centimetres. This is also based on the weather forecast and the average daily snowfall over the past 10 years.
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Average Weather in Povile by Month
Click on a month below to see detailed weather info for Povile. Based on historical weather data, you can see the average temperature, precipitation, wind, and UV index for each day of the month.