9 hours
sun per day
23 mm
20 days
10 days
0 days

What's the weather like Le Vallon in June?

On average, it is maximum 15° in June in Le Vallon and at least around 14° degrees. The sea water temperature is around 15° degrees. In June there are 10 days of rainfall with a total of 23 mm and it will be dry 20 days in this month for Le Vallon.

Maximum temperature: 15°C
Minimum temperature: 14°C
Sea temperature: 15°C
Dry days: 20 days
Days with rain: 10 days
Days with snow: 0 days
Total rain: 23 mm
Hours of sunshine: 9 hours
Average wind force: 4 Bft
Average UV index: 4

Average weather per day in June

Weather Max Min Rain Wind
1 june showers-day 15.0°C 12.0°C 0.3 mm Z 4 Bft
2 june showers-day 15.4°C 12.6°C 0.3 mm Z 4 Bft
3 june showers-day 14.6°C 11.9°C 0.8 mm ZZW 3 Bft
4 june showers-day 14.2°C 11.5°C 0.8 mm ZZO 4 Bft
5 june showers-day 14.4°C 11.9°C 0.9 mm ZZW 4 Bft
6 june showers-day 14.1°C 11.7°C 0.6 mm ZZW 4 Bft
7 june showers-day 14.3°C 11.7°C 1.4 mm ZZW 4 Bft
8 june showers-day 14.9°C 12.3°C 0.6 mm ZZW 4 Bft
9 june showers-day 14.7°C 11.8°C 0.5 mm ZZO 4 Bft
10 june showers-day 15.1°C 12.5°C 1.8 mm Z 4 Bft
11 june showers-day 15.1°C 12.5°C 1.7 mm ZZW 4 Bft
12 june rain 14.7°C 12.3°C 3.7 mm Z 4 Bft
13 june showers-day 14.8°C 12.1°C 1.1 mm ZW 3 Bft
14 june clear-day 15.5°C 12.6°C 0.2 mm ZW 3 Bft
15 june showers-day 15.3°C 12.8°C 0.5 mm ZZW 4 Bft
16 june clear-day 15.4°C 12.6°C 0.2 mm Z 4 Bft
17 june showers-day 15.6°C 13.0°C 0.6 mm ZZW 4 Bft
18 june showers-day 15.7°C 13.1°C 0.4 mm ZZW 4 Bft
19 june clear-day 15.9°C 13.1°C 0.2 mm ZW 4 Bft
20 june showers-day 15.8°C 13.3°C 0.5 mm ZW 4 Bft
21 june showers-day 15.8°C 13.2°C 1.0 mm ZW 4 Bft
22 june showers-day 16.0°C 13.1°C 1.2 mm ZZW 4 Bft
23 june showers-day 16.0°C 13.2°C 0.8 mm Z 4 Bft
24 june showers-day 16.2°C 13.1°C 1.0 mm ZZW 4 Bft
25 june showers-day 16.8°C 13.5°C 0.7 mm ZW 4 Bft
26 june showers-day 16.4°C 13.8°C 1.2 mm Z 4 Bft
27 june showers-day 16.6°C 14.0°C 0.7 mm ZZW 4 Bft
28 june showers-day 16.6°C 13.7°C 0.5 mm ZZW 4 Bft
29 june showers-day 16.6°C 13.8°C 0.4 mm ZW 4 Bft
30 june showers-day 16.3°C 13.8°C 1.1 mm ZW 4 Bft
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