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Average climate of Aland Tānda

The climate of Aland Tānda has an average yearly temperature of 34°C. Throughout the year, the average monthly temperature can drop to 31°C and rise to 40°C.

Annually, about 960 mm of rain falls. This gives a good overview of how much rain to expect in Aland Tānda.

Temperature per month in Aland Tānda

This graph shows the average high temperatures in degrees Celsius for each month in Aland Tānda

Temperature per month in Aland Tānda

Precipitation per month in Aland Tānda

This graph shows the average monthly precipitation in millimeters in Aland Tānda.

Precipitation per month in Aland Tānda

UV index per month in Aland Tānda

This graph shows the average UV index per month in Aland Tānda.

UV index per month in Aland Tānda

Yearly temperature in Aland Tānda

This graph shows the average yearly temperature in Aland Tānda, measured in degrees Celsius.

Yearly temperature in Aland Tānda

Yearly total precipitation in Aland Tānda

This graph shows the average yearly precipitation in millimeters in Aland Tānda.

Precipitation per year in Aland Tānda

Average weather in Aland Tānda per month

Click on a month below to see in detail how the weather typically is in Aland Tānda and what to expect. Based on the historical weather data of Aland Tānda, you can view the average temperature, precipitation, wind, and UV index for each day of the month.