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Average climate of Italy

The climate of Italy has an average yearly temperature of 22°C. Throughout the year, the average monthly temperature can drop to 13°C and rise to 32°C.

Annually, about 508 mm of rain falls. This gives a good overview of how much rain to expect in Italy. Additionally, about 15 cm of snow falls each year.

The climate of Italy
  • Average yearly temperature: 22°C
  • Highest temperature: 32°C in July and August
  • Lowest temperature: 13°C in January
  • Precipitation: 508 mm per year, averaging 42 mm per month
  • Driest months: 11 mm in July, 15 mm in August and 34 mm in October
  • Wettest months: 81 mm in November, 62 mm in December and 55 mm in March
  • Snowfall: 15 cm per year

Temperature per month in Italy

This graph shows the average high temperatures in degrees Celsius for each month in Italy

Temperature per month in Italy

Precipitation per month in Italy

This graph shows the average monthly precipitation in millimeters in Italy.

Precipitation per month in Italy

Snowfall per month in Italy

This graph shows the average snowfall in centimeters per month in Italy.

Snowfall per month in Italy

UV index per month in Italy

This graph shows the average UV index per month in Italy.

UV index per month in Italy

Yearly temperature in Italy

This graph shows the average yearly temperature in Italy, measured in degrees Celsius.

Yearly temperature in Italy

Yearly total precipitation in Italy

This graph shows the average yearly precipitation in millimeters in Italy.

Precipitation per year in Italy

Yearly snowfall in Italy

This graph shows the average yearly snowfall in Italy, measured in centimeters.

Snowfall per year in Italy

Best time to visit Italy

Italy's topography and unique shape mean that the weather can vary greatly from region to region. The Alps and the Dolomites in the north have a great influence on the climate. Due to the length of the country, there is a lot of difference between the climate in the north and the south of the country.

For most travellers looking for sunshine, warm days and few crowds, the best time to visit Italy is in spring or early autumn. This period is cooler and less crowded than the hot summer months in between. You can then explore the north and south, the cities, the coast and the mountains in comfort.

Scorching heat in summer

The heat in July and August can be punishing, especially in the south, where temperatures easily exceed 30°C every day. From October onwards, the summer heat subsides, the grape harvest is in full swing and the cities are quieter for sightseeing.

Going between November and April can be quite affordable, but the weather during this time is likely to be wet and cold, especially in the north. Although it is low season and some attractions have limited opening hours, it is still a good time to explore many of the country's historic sites.

Italy is such an incredibly beautiful country to visit that it doesn't matter when you visit. You will always have great memories and plan your return to see even more.

Average weather in Italy per month

Click on a month below to see in detail how the weather typically is in Italy and what to expect. Based on the historical weather data of Italy, you can view the average temperature, precipitation, wind, and UV index for each day of the month.