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Average climate of South Africa

The climate of South Africa has an average yearly temperature of 27°C. Throughout the year, the average monthly temperature can drop to 18°C and rise to 34°C.

Annually, about 255 mm of rain falls. This gives a good overview of how much rain to expect in South Africa.

The climate of South Africa
  • Average yearly temperature: 27°C
  • Highest temperature: 34°C in January
  • Lowest temperature: 18°C in June
  • Precipitation: 255 mm per year, averaging 21 mm per month
  • Driest months: 4,6 mm in August, 4,9 mm in July and 11 mm in October
  • Wettest months: 42 mm in January, 39 mm in March and 34 mm in April

Temperature per month in South Africa

This graph shows the average high temperatures in degrees Celsius for each month in South Africa

Temperature per month in South Africa

Precipitation per month in South Africa

This graph shows the average monthly precipitation in millimeters in South Africa.

Precipitation per month in South Africa

UV index per month in South Africa

This graph shows the average UV index per month in South Africa.

UV index per month in South Africa

Yearly temperature in South Africa

This graph shows the average yearly temperature in South Africa, measured in degrees Celsius.

Yearly temperature in South Africa

Yearly total precipitation in South Africa

This graph shows the average yearly precipitation in millimeters in South Africa.

Precipitation per year in South Africa

More climate information about South Africa

Because of its size and location near the southernmost tip of Africa, South Africa has a wide temperature range throughout the year. The climate is subtropical, meaning warm to hot all year round with only brief cold spells in winter. The typical temperature in South Africa ranges from around 15 to 20 degrees Celsius, depending on the region and time of year.

Spring (September to November)

Between the extremes of summer heat and winter cold, South Africa has a short spring from September to November. During this time, temperatures are usually between 15 and 20 degrees Celsius, but this can vary from area to area.

During this time of year, storms and other types of bad weather are more common and intense across the country.

Summer (December to February)

Summer in South Africa peaks in the months of December, January and February. Temperatures usually range from mid-20s to mid-30s during this time, but in the north and inland areas they can go much higher.

At this time of year, humidity levels rise across the country, making the already unpleasant heat much worse.

Fall (March to May)

The South African autumn season, covering the months of March to May, is a transitional period between the country's scorching summer and cold winter. At this time of year, temperatures are usually between 15 and 20 degrees Celsius.

At this time of year, precipitation increases in the country, which can lead to an increase in the frequency and intensity of storms and other forms of extreme weather.

Winter (June to August)

The South African winter (June-August) is the period when temperatures drop the most. Usually temperatures at this time of year are between 10 and 15 degrees Celsius, but in some regions they can be considerably lower, especially at higher altitudes.

Part of the country may see temperatures below freezing and perhaps snowfall due to cold fronts advancing from the South Atlantic.

Climate variations by region

The weather in South Africa varies from area to area, and the country's many regions all have their own character. For example, the Western Cape has a Mediterranean climate, making winters hot and wet and summers extremely hot and dry.

Eastern areas such as KwaZulu-Natal and the Eastern Cape have a subtropical climate with hot, humid summers and moderate, dry winters. The northern provinces of Limpopo and Mpumalanga have the same hot, dry climate as the rest of the country.

The northern provinces of Limpopo and Mpumalanga have the same hot, dry climate as the rest of the country.

Best time to visit South Africa

As a tourist destination, South Africa has a lot to offer, from beautiful natural landscapes and national parks to bustling cities and interesting cultural sights. There is a lot of variety and activity in this country, so choosing the right time to visit can be a challenge.

The months of September to April, South Africa's spring and summer seasons, are often considered the best time to visit the country. The weather is mild and dry, perfect for outdoor excursions such as safaris, walks and trips to the beach. The average temperature is between the low and mid 20s, with occasional heatwaves into the high 30s.

South Africa is a huge country with a wide variety of climates, so the ideal time to travel there varies from region to region.

Cape Town, in the Western Cape, has rainy winters and dry summers typical of the Mediterranean climate. November to March is summer in this part of the world, with pleasant, sunny weather and average temperatures of 25 to 28 degrees Celsius.

While the west experiences cold, wet winters and hot, humid summers, the east, home to the Kruger National Park and the Drakensberg Mountains, has a subtropical climate. Temperatures hover around 20-22 degrees Celsius from May to August, making this the ideal season to explore the region.

When to travel to South Africa is ultimately determined by your interests and personal preferences. Spring and summer are ideal if you want to go on safari and other outdoor activities, while winter is preferable if you want to escape the heat and crowds. Visiting South Africa will undoubtedly be one of the highlights of your life.

Average weather in South Africa per month

Click on a month below to see in detail how the weather typically is in South Africa and what to expect. Based on the historical weather data of South Africa, you can view the average temperature, precipitation, wind, and UV index for each day of the month.